Pauline Dougé
Marketing & Administration Manager
Pauline is organized and creative, with a pronounced sensitivity to people. With a background in project management and a dedicated, caring approach, she orchestrates tasks efficiently while maintaining a harmonious work environment.
With a master's degree in communications and marketing, she transforms ideas into concrete projects, combining attention to detail with an eye for the big picture.
7 questions to get to know me...
You could never do without...
Sun and light! I need my dose of sunshine all year round!
For me, the sun is a source of positive energy that lifts my spirits, reconnects me with nature and nourishes my creativity. The sun not only brings me light and warmth, it also has a profound influence on my mood.
The best advice we've ever given you?
That whatever I undertake, to commit myself fully with passion and my heart. If I'm aligned with the right project, whether professionally or personally, then everything else will naturally fall into place.
Your favorite quote?
A passage from the film "Mange prie aime"...
"I've come to believe in what I call "the physics of the quest", a force governed by laws as real as gravity. The physics of the quest goes something like this: if you have the courage to abandon landmarks and comforts, which can range from a simple home to old resentments, to set out in search of the truth, outside or within yourself; if you sincerely consider what happens to you on this journey as a clue, if you accept that every encounter is a lesson... and if you are prepared above all to acknowledge and forgive painful realities about yourself, then the truth will be revealed to you."
Otherwise shorter (haha):
"Today's utopias are tomorrow's solutions".
Pierre Rabhi
What inspires you in general?
Everyday life inspires me deeply, especially in the simple details that, at first glance, might seem insignificant but, in reality, are of immense importance. It's these ordinary moments, like the soft morning light streaming through a window, the soothing sound of rain or the scent of freshly brewed coffee, that feed my creativity and enrich my view of the world.
These simple details reveal a discreet and authentic beauty, often overlooked, but which brings a richness to life and to the projects I undertake. They are a constant source of inspiration for me: it's the little things that give meaning and value to our daily lives.
Something important to know about you?
I'm hypersensitive. As a hypersensitive person, I feel emotions and atmospheres intensely, which enables me to perceive subtle details. This sensitivity can also be trying, requiring moments of calm to refocus and recharge my batteries.
Besides design, what are your passions?
I love all art forms, because each one tells a unique story and offers a different perspective on the world. Whether painting, sculpture, music, dance or film, each artistic expression has its own way of capturing the essence of human emotion and transforming it into something tangible and beautiful.
Art, in all its forms, nourishes me; it allows me to connect with ideas that transcend words, creativity has no limits and each work is an invitation to discover a different universe.
What is your favorite part of your job?
I like to feel that I'm making a difference in my job by contributing to the growth and future ofEntre Quatre Murs. For me, a company is first and foremost made up of people. Improving internal efficiency and processes gives me great satisfaction, as it has a direct impact on the daily lives of the people who work there. By optimizing operations and introducing improvements, I contribute not only to the productivity and quality of work, but also to the well-being of the teams, by making their daily lives easier and reducing stress. This helps the company to achieve its objectives more quickly, while fostering a harmonious and humane working environment.